When the phone rang I was irritated, to say the least. I had meant to shut off the ringer and set the answering machine, so that I wouldn't be disturbed. I forgot to do that, and five minutes after I stepped into the shower, just as I was washing my cock, which was about half hard in anticipation of my date with Randi, the jangle of the phone spoiled my daydream and brought me crashing back to reality. I should describe her for you, so that you understand why I get turned on every time I think about her. Randi is five feet ten inches tall, with long shiny black hair that reaches to her waist. When I tell you this,I know you won't believe me, but when she told me her measurements I didn't believe her, but she let me measure and she was right. She is 38-19-36, and you'll have to take my word for it, cause I'm not inviting you over to measure. Anyway, I hope you appreciate how annoying it is to be disturbed from that sort of daydream. Normally I would have just let the phone ring, but for some reason, contrary to lifelong habit, I sprang from the shower and answered it. It turned out to be Randi. She was going to have to cancel our date, because her roommate had her car, and she was stuck at a business conference and wouldn't be home until very late. Now that was really bad news, and I was very disappointed, but there is something I need to tell you so you will understand why at this point I now had a solid erection. Randi has a voice that is kind of low and breathy, but as smooth as liquid velvet. Over the phone, the effect is accented, so that it feels like she's whispering in your ear. You can almost feel her lips grazing against your ear as she speaks. So there I was, naked, soapy, dripping wet, and I wondering for the millionth time why this woman didn't start her own phone sex service. You know how they work, "For a good time, call 1-900-4HARDON." She started to pout about not being able to see me, and I just listened, completely captured by her voice. Almost unconsciously, I began stroking my cock as I hung on her every word. When she began to talk about how she was really looking forward to giving me a long slow blow job, I knew what I was going to do, if I could keep myself from cumming long enough. I knew that Randi was going to have phone sex tonight, but she didn't know it, yet. "What are you wearing?" I asked. My question caught her off guard. Here she was trying to make me feel bad about not seeing her tonight, and I was suddenly asking fashion questions. I did finally get it out of her that she was wearing her navy blue dress, the one with a white belt, and white buttons all the way down the front. I knew the one she meant, she always wore a red, white and blue scarf tied around her neck with that dress. "What else are you wearing?" I asked again. This time I could tell I would have to be careful about how I went about this, or I could spoil the mood for both of us, and if I wasn't going to see her today, I wanted this to work just right. "Humor me just for a second longer," I said to reassure her. "Well, I'm wearing a camisole and underwear," she went on sweetly, "you know, those sexy red thong panties you gave me last week. I was wearing them because they made me think of you. Oh, yeah, and pantyhose."` "PANTYHOSE?!" I exploded. "You know how much I hate pantyhose! (Which was true) Take them off right now!" I knew I was taking a chance, but I was hoping it would work. "Right now?" she asked. "Yes right now. You know I won't go out with you if you are wearing those things. (I really do detest them) Well I have decided that I won't talk to you if you are wearing them either." Silence... Then finally, "O..K," she conceded, because she was sure I meant it. I had made her take them off in a restaurant on our second date. I had assumed a woman as sexy as she is would surely wear a garter belt, and now she usually did. "Are you sure that there isn't any way for us to be together tonight?" I wanted to double check, and to get back to our other subject. She assured me that it was impossible and then I knew that the mood was right because she started talking about that blow job again. She was even telling me how good I taste, and how smooth the head of my cock feels when I'm really wet. I knew then that the time was right. If this was ever going to happen, now was the time. "If I was there with you, I know exactly what I would do. I know exactly how I would make love to you." I spent several minutes seducing her with my voice. I even talked about how I would set the mood, "I would turn on that little light by the stereo, and then shut off all of the rest of the lights in the room. Listen, Randi, why don't you do that for me. Set a nice romantic mood for us to talk for a while, OK?" She did it. Either we were on our way, if I could do this right, or she would just think I was some kind of pervert and say goodbye forever. "While you're by the stereo, put on that CD we both like. You know which one I mean don't you?" She did, and soon the familiar strains of the music we had listened to the last time we made love were gently playing in the background. "Let's sit on the couch together, and talk for a while," I suggested, and I heard her sigh gently as she relaxed onto the couch. "If I was there, I would kiss you. First I would kiss your lips until they get all soft and puffy the way they get when they have been thoroughly aroused. Then I would kiss your neck, in little gentle kisses, starting just below your ear and working my way down your neck across to the soft spot at the base of your throat, and on around to the other ear. Then I would take that earlobe between my lips and gently suck on it, and roll it around with my tongue. Then I would unbutton one button of your dress and slip my right hand in and begin to tease the nipple of your left breast. Why don't you do that for me?" I asked with my best reassuring tone. "Do what?" she was unsure. "Do it for me, just as if I were there. Unbutton one button of your dress and slide your right hand in and tease the nipple on your left breast." Silence again... I thought it was all over when I heard her gorgeous, sexy voice, and I knew she was doing what I had asked. The best way to describe it is that it sounds like a kitten purring, and with her voice that is a real treat. Meanwhile, my erection had been demanding attention as well, and even though the rest of me had long since dripped dry, my love muscle was dripping with my juices, and I knew I was going to have to slow down, because I wanted this to last for a while. "Take the tip of your index finger and draw circles around your nipple... First draw one way...then the other... Now roll your nipple between your thumb and fingertip through the fabric... Now twist it gently back and forth... Pull on it just a little... Now just gently stroke it through the fabric..." "Oh Lou, you are such a patient lover. You never rush me into it, you take your time. That's why it's so special every time we make love." she purred. "Unbutton your dress down to the belt now, and take your left hand and draw circles around your right nipple... First one way then the other... Roll your nipple around like we did before...until it's so aroused that it gets soft again from the heat..." "Mmm..hmmm..." "Now pinch it a little harder, not enough to hurt, but just enough... Now twist just as much as you can stand it... Now pull on it as hard as you dare!..." "Oohhh..." Now slide your right hand under your camisole, and just stroke your breast. Enjoy the feeling of skin against skin after having that thing in the way." "Aaahhh..." "Lift the camisole now and stroke your breasts...You know the way you like me to do it... Round and around, again and again, until the skin is almost electric... Sometimes catching a nipple between two knuckles and pinching, just a little... Sometimes just grazing the skin so that you're not sure if I'm still there or I've moved on... Sometime kneading them like bread, squeezing and pulling and stroking and rolling them..." "Ohhh...Yeeesss...Mmmm" "Now unbutton the bottom of the dress... Lie back on the couch and relax... Are you ready?" "Mm Hmmm" "Touch the crotch of your panties... Are they wet yet?" "Oh boy are they ever!!" "That's good... Now trace the shape of your lips on the outside of your panties with your fingernail... Back and forth... Once..twice...three times... Now use your fingertip... Don't look at what you're doing...Don't feel for the places you usually touch when you masturbate, this is me making love to you... Instead concentrate on those spots that are wet...Find the wettest spot and start making circles with your fingertip... Gently... Slowly... Now instead of making circles, stop right in the middle of the circle,...and push... Just like pushing a button to start a motor... Now push again... Push...Push...Push...Push..." She started making noises that I haven't been able to figure out a way to spell, but I guess I can describe them as a cross between a whimper, a moan, a groan and a sigh. I found out later she was already having little mini-orgasms this soon. "I think those panties are really in our way, don't you? Take them off right now." "Yes, sir!" she said. At this point her voice was so sexy even I couldn't take it any more. "Now slide up to the edge of the couch and lean back and get comfortable....OK?" "Yes" "Now spread your knees wide open and take your middle finger and touch your clit... Just hold it there for a bit... Now do that little pushing motion we did before... Push... Push... Very gently, though, push... Push... Push..." "Ooohh.." Now reach your finger out just far enough to get it wet between your pussy lips. Don't put it in yet, just get it wet... Let it slide back and forth between your pussy lips... Slowly back...and forth...back...and forth...back but this time come all the way up to your clit again, to get it good and wet... Back...and forth...and make a circle around your clit... Back...and forth...and a circle... Back...and forth...and make two circles... Back... and forth...two circles...two more" "Nhh...ohh!" "Now I think it's time to let that finger into your pussy, just a little bit. Just one knuckle... Poke it in and move it around a little... Now back out and go back up and make two circles... Now back in a little farther this time...two knuckles, no more... Hold it there and rub your clit with your thumb... Now out again and make one very slow circle... Now go back in and this time go as deep as you can... Take your other hand and play with your clit..Try to get another finger in your pussy. Just start slipping it in alongside the other one. You're wet enough for that aren't you?" "Yes" (Well, She didn't really say yes, it was probably more like Mmphnmm, but she was too far gone to make intelligent sounds) Start rubbing your clit a little bit faster, a little harder..Start moving your fingers" "Lou!..Lou!......ohh" "Slow down now, I'm not done yet... Hold still... Now I want you to get that vibrator you showed me. Is it still in the table by the couch?" "Oh My...Yess!!" [I should explain. I had discovered this thing in her drawer one day so she showed it to me. It is some piece of work. It kind of looks like a cock, but it's forked in the middle so that you can buzz your clit and g-spot at the same time. And it has this thing inside that makes the middle squirm around, and another part that makes the little piece by your clit shake, and the whole thing has a three speed vibrator, and each one is remote controlled from the little box that holds the batteries. This is one serious vibrator!] "OK, don't turn on anything yet. I'll let you know when I want that. Take the tip of it and get it wet like we did your finger... Just put it between your pussy lips and slide back and forth... Slowly, very slowly, back.. and forth... let it come up by your clit and touch it. Hold it right there for a second... Now, turn on the vibrator. Just on low, I'm still not in any hurry... Slide it back between your pussy lips now... Back... and forth..Don't go in yet... Back... and forth... Back... and make a circle... make another circle... and back... Now ease it in just a little bit... Just the head. Just enough to stretch your pussy open... Hold it right there for a minute, and just feel the vibrations... Pull it out..and back in just a little more... Now out..and back in, about half way in.. Hold it right there a little while... Do you want to speed up the vibrator?" (She made another moan that sounded like it meant yes) "OK you can go to medium speed... Now before you get started on this next part listen carefully, I want you to slowly, very slowly pull it out, then make a circle around your clit then slide right over the top of your clit and back in your pussy, only you can go just a fraction of an inch deeper each time. Now do that. Out...around...over...and in... and out...and around...and over...and in... and out... and around... Easy...don't get ahead of me...and around again... and over... and in... Now out... around... around...over... over... around... and in... All the way in... As deep as you can push it... Pull it in with your pussy muscles... Take your fingers and spread your pussy open so that the little finger is up against your clit... It should really be wet now... Now turn on high speed... Take your hands away from the vibrator...just hold it there with your pussy and enjoy the feeling... now turn on that thing that twists inside... feel it squirm around inside you like it was alive or something... Now turn on that little tickler that hits your clit... Put everything on high speed... " "Oohh!... Ohhh my!!... Ohh Louuu!.." "Now reach down and" "OHH NOOOO!!!" *CLICK* *DIAL TONE* She had hung up. I didn't understand what could have possibly upset her at that point. I tried to call her back four times in the next fifteen minutes, but the phone must have been off the hook, I kept getting a busy signal. Finally I paid attention to myself. I was really a picture sitting there with cum all over my hands and legs and belly. I needed a shower again. It may have been frustrating, and I may have lost the most gorgeous girl a guy could ask for, but I had sure enjoyed it. Just as I stepped out of the shower, it happened again, only this time it was a knock at the door. Just what I needed. I had to try to work this thing out with Randi, I didn't need company! I grabbed a towel and headed for the door. I hoped whoever it was didn't embarrass easily. It was Randi! Before I could say anything she came rushing in and planted a kiss on me that let me know that whatever I thought might have happened, everything was alright. We sat and talked for a little while, and here's the story, boiled down the way I understand it. First of all, get the picture. Here she was, sitting on the couch, with her legs right up in the air, and this expensive super dildo almost buried inside her pussy, in the middle of an explosive orgasm, when she hears her roommate unlocking the door. Not wanting to get into long explanations, she jumped up and ran into her room. That must have been quite a sight, because she didn't even have time to pull the vibrator out, or to shut it off, so here she is cumming like crazy running with this thing shoved into her pussy buzzing away like a beehive with the remote control flopping along behind! In her bedroom, she coolly pulled it out, quickly buttoned her dress, walked into the living room, thanked Melissa for getting home early, jumped into the car and drove straight to my place. I couldn't help it. I laughed as loud as I've ever laughed. She sat there staring at me for a minute, but then I guess she must have thought of that image of herself running and cumming and trying to fix her clothes and trying to get hold of the stupid remote. We just sat and had a good laugh. (Oh, yeah. She couldn't call, because she broke the phone when she panicked. Other than that, she had covered her tracks pretty well. I should say that she thought so, but later, when she got home, her roommate asked her what she had spilled on the couch, because the one end of it was all wet, and then asked her to be more careful with her clothes, she had left a pair of underwear in the middle of the floor! Eventually we did tell her the whole story, Randi even had me call Melissa and make love to HER over the phone,but that night could be another whole book!) Now get ready for this, now that she's at my place, you know what she wants to do? Maybe you guessed it. "Let's do it again," she says. I got a little hurt at first, because now I was there and she didn't have to play with herself any more. Then she says no, it's not that she really wants to play with her pussy so bad, but the whole time we had been on the phone, she was wishing that I could be there, so I could SEE what she was doing. Which was what I was thinking the whole time too, but who would have thought SHE was thinking the same thing? I guess she was more of an exhibitionist than I thought. So I started again. I sat in an easy chair in front of my couch, and said, "Take your right hand, and unbutton one button of your dress, and.." "Wait a minute," she said, "This won't be the same." "What's the matter?" I asked. "I don't have the vibrator with me," she said, "and one more thing... I forgot to put on any panties." "Don't worry, I'll improvise." So I did. It was really a treat, but it was kind of weird. The whole time she never looked me in the eyes. It was almost like I wasn't there, except that she was watching me stroke my cock. I guess maybe I'm more of an exhibitionist than I thought, too. I have to admit, it went quite a bit faster the second time, but I hope I can be forgiven. When she opened up her legs, she was just glistening wet, and it wasn't too long before I got to the part where she would need the vibrator. that was when I walked over and kneeled down in front of the couch. I leaned right in close and rested my cheek against her thigh while I was telling her what I wanted to see her do. It was almost like I was talking to her fingers and they were doing what I asked. During a long pause, I watched mesmerized as she slowly slipped her fingers out of her pussy, then I just watched as her pussy kind of quivered before me. She reached out ant grabbed me by the hair and brought me even closer and said in the most commanding voice you can imagine, "Eat my pussy the way you talk to it." What else could I do but exactly what she asked? So that's the story of one very special night. Sure there's a lot more that happened that night. It seemed like I ate her pussy for about a week. Oh, yes, I'm glad you asked, I did get that blowjob she promised me, and it was even better than I thought it could be. Then we finally made it to the bedroom and... Well anyway I talk too much. Maybe I'll write that story another time.